
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Song Draft: "Budding Flame" (#16)

Our time so short, so sweet, ephemeral

Yet I could never forget it, so memorable

Can’t rush all I wanted to learn, there’s so much more

An epic novel stopped on chapter four

Still we tried, ‘ttyl’ became ‘ttys’

Trying to live in the moment, pretend not to stress,

That we’re making a foundation to no building (pillow forts must come down)

My next dance will be in another town.

Eventually you’ll move on and so will I,

I see so much promise in those eager eyes,

But for all the spark you show, it is wrong not to let you go?

                Can I learn to love without anything in return?

                Can I wish you all the best even if it’s not me?
                I’ll put out budding flame…to let yours burn.

How can I make this better (besides hire someone to sing it)?  Comments appreciated!